Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kansas bad, according to study

As a percentage of income, Kansas' poorest pay a higher amount in state and local taxes than their wealthier counterparts.

A study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy reported that the poorest 20 percent of non-elderly Kansans pay 10.3 percent of their income in state and local taxes, while the wealthiest 1 percent pay only 3.9 percent.

You know what else the poor spend more on as a percentage of their income than the wealthy -- housing. Food. Transportation. Vacations. Healthcare. Pet care. The poor probably spend less as a percentage of their income on yachts and private jets, but that's probably about it.

This is math, people.

The only thing that would truly fix the disparity is a flat income tax rate that does not offer any tax breaks or incentives. (You'd also likely need to eliminate sales taxes and other governmental fees.)

But that's highly unlikely. Take away tax breaks and incentives and you eliminate the jobs of so many lobbyists!