Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Akin is staying

Todd Akin should probably just stick his foot in his mouth and leave it there until sometime around Christmas.

The deadline for an easily withdrawal from the Missouri Senate race is long gone, and the man who somehow managed a bigger gaffe than all of Joe Biden's gaffes combined will be the Republican nominee in Missouri.

If it weren't Missouri or another swing state, Akin's stupid "legitimate rape" stupidity wouldn't matter nearly as much. If he were in Mississippi or New York or California, I'd simply be shrugging my shoulders. Oh well. Republican voters made their choice, and now they must live with it.

But this is Missouri -- the swingiest of swing states. And the GOP needs this state. We don't need it so we can bask in the sweet glow of power. We need it so we can save the country.

Republicans must win the presidency, because we're one Supreme Court Justice away from the slippery slope to Cuba or commie China. We need to win the Senate, because we're going to have to act quickly to save the country from economic collapse.

Missouri may just be the tipping point, and Akin and his big, fat, unfiltered mouth might cost us the Senate. And who knows how big of a drag Todd Akin may be on the top of the ticket. The GOP's path to the White House all but requires Missouri, and it could be close.

I'm disappointed that Akin believes that his candidacy is more important than the rest of the country. This is serious business this campaign season, and Akin should've fallen on his sword.

Instead, we're stuck with him. All we can do, all we can hope is that Missourians are willing to overlook an off-the-cuff moment of sheer vapidness. You hear me Show-Me-Staters! We need you to swallow your disgust, hold your noses and cast a ballot for Todd Akin in November.

The country is at stake. We're counting on you.

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