Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Akin, Breakin' Heart

Todd Akin, the now-infamous GOP candidate for Senate in Missouri, said something so monumentally stupid it stings like a slap to the face.

I won't repeat his comments in full, but let's just say when any part of a comment you make involves the term, "legitimate rape," you need to have a long talk with that little filter that lives between your brain and your mouth.

That said, the idea of him resigning after winning a cut-throat primary two weeks ago, makes me sick. The idea of Claire McCaskill, quite possible the worst U.S. Senator in my lifetime, getting another term, also raises bile in my throat. She's a hideous, horrible human and I swear if I have to listen to her whiny, squeaky "Mom" voice for another four years, I may have to move out of the Kansas City metro area.

Elections have consequences, and the people of Missouri should have to live with it. Had I lived in Missouri (Ewwww.) I probably would've voted for Akin a few weeks ago. He seemed to be the anti-establishment candidate in every way possible.

Now, I think maybe the Establishment knew something the rest of us didn't: That guy's filter doesn't work. At all. It's too bad Steelman or Brunner, Akin's Republican opponents, were unable to get that message out in a meaningful way. Maybe they didn't know.

I'm talking way, way out of school here, because, maybe they tried. I followed that race in from the peripheral. We share the same television and radio market, so it's impossible for some of the noise from Missouri campaigns to leak over to the Kansas side. But the only negative ad that I remember seeing was one complaining that Sarah Steelman was backed by union thugs.

I love that a non-Establishment candidate, who I'm told spent far, far less than the other two, was able to pull out a giant win in the state next door. I detest the idea of party insiders (the Establishment) getting to pick his replacement should Akin back out. (It looks like he's staying as news is leaking to Twitter that he purchased ad buys for the next two weeks).

Akin essentially shot himself in the head last weekend. If he stays, I truly pray he recovers. One (monumentally stupid, uneducated, moronic, embarrassing) statement should not override Claire's record.

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